Purpose is a reason of being. Nature is the design of the being. The purpose of a cow depends on who is looking at it while its nature looks at the way it is created and it behaves.
There are different ‘natures’ of a Church but the same purpose if they are anchored in Jesus. Each of the Churches is unique but ONE in purpose.
A purpose driven church has various aspects but specifically those ordained by Christ are reflected in the following:
- Mat 22:37-40 Love the LordA purpose driven Church must express love to God through Worship. Worship must be to the only True God (Mat 4:10). The Psalmist says magnify and exalt Him and Him alone.
Jesus indicated that worship is in Spirit and truth NOT in places, persons, processes but in God. All other forms are idol worship that a Church needs to flee from. A Purpose Driven Church will worship only God.
- Love your neighbour
This involves Ministry to People that is demonstrating God’s love to others. The Bible states that even a glass of cold water will be appreciated. It is not meetings/attendance rather service to one another. A Purpose Driven Church will minister to all people at all time.
- Mission focus
A Church that focuses on evangelism and makes Ambassadors to change the world. A church where everyone should go and communicate God’s word. This great commission is in all Gospels and Acts 1:8. Growth is not optional but commanded. A Purpose Driven Church focuses all its resources on missions.
- Baptizing them
Baptism is a symbol of covenant/fellow ship and an Identity with the body of Christ. A sign of belonging, believing and war (Eph 2:19) members of God’s family. A Purpose Driven Church provides opportunity for fellowship and a sense of membership.
- Teaching them how to obey
Teaching makes disciples. Discipleship is to edify and educate. It is to help people live a life like that of Christ. They should obey because disobedience is worse than witchcraft. A Purpose Driven Church must disciple people to be like Christ.
- Mat 16:16 Defense and Security
A Purpose Driven Church must confront the forces of darkness/Hell and there should never be a cell out. Naboth refused to sell his vineyard (1kings 21:1-3) The battle not carnal but against principalities. A Purpose Driven Church is militant one against forces of darkness.
- Generosity
A purpose driven Church must honour God and neighbours with available resources. A new church reflected total no lack and we can only see God through charity and giving. A Purpose Driven Church is generous and honours God with all their resources.