Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior – AMEN. The Cathedral hosted two Preachers on the Eve of the closure of the Cathedral Mission Week on 3rd July 2016. Both Preachers, the Rt. Reverend Geoffrey Rwubusisi and Mr. Nicholas Kisakye respectively based their Expositions on the Diocesan Theme ‘Rooted and built up in Christ’ [Col.2:17] They particularly focused on the Theme ‘What is holding you up?’ and drew References from Matt.10:17-27 and Hos.1:2-10.
Bishop Rwubusisi candidly noted that:
* The Bible never generally discusses ‘things’ BUT the Word of God which transforms our Lives, World views and Practices. Even when humankind is delineated from God like Hoses’ his wife did, He loves us [Hos 1:14-16];
* Our ‘nakedness’ and abandoning God holds us back from God;
* Through Profaning God’s Temple, worshipping other gods, reverting to immorality, failure to love our Neighbours and other related Vices results in God daily
weighing and numbering us;
* There exists no neutral ground for God’s Salvation – you take it and or you are judged!
Mr. Kisakye clearly pointed out that:
* The rich young man was desperate even when he seemed to have everything!
He was unfulfilled and realized that he lacked something in his life. Material things cannot save you when your inner self is in trouble. Only Jesus could help him [Mark 10:17] the ONLY solver our deep problems;
* Those who hold on to worthless Idols like the rich young man did, forfeit the grace of God [Mk. 10:21]. Jesus told him to sell all he had and give the money to the poor but unfortunately the medicine was too bitter and the young man painfully walked away!!
* Many of us do wrong things and we cover up thinking that no one knows! We can be lost without our knowledge and can even move further in lostliness!! Remember, Jesus knows our problem and we cannot cover it or hide it from Him;
* Seeking God calls for prayer, devotion, unravelling everything to His Light as it is supposed to be! Jesus cannot save us without dealing with the problem. The Lord will help us to see the problem as it really is so that it is addressed;
Both Preachers finally admonished the Congregations not to hold back but instead to:
a. Desist from climbing ‘wrong ladders’ which are not godly but instead ‘climb down’ the ‘right ladders’ to the right direction of salvation through Jesus Christ; and
b. Avoid cheap grace and embrace the Grace of God that waters and nurture Congregations to full holiness God.
Guiding Thoughts, Questions and Prayer Requests
1. In your Group mention barriers that keep Congregations from turning their lives to Christ? As an individual, use your own Note book and mention at least three Key barriers that hinders you from turning to Christ and on the same Paper also propose to God a Workable Plan on how to combat them.
2. Have you ever repented your sins and forgiven by God? If so, re-commit your life to Christ. If not honestly ask God to work on you to break those barriers to facilitate you live a renewed Life. Praise the Lord.
Revd Canon Erisa Grace Sentongo
Priest In Charge: pastoral care and Home Cell
Tel. Nos +256 77 2503180/702 503180