“ It’s only through the weapon of prayer that human beings can be changed, groomed, matured and empowered to become what God wants them to become.” Mr. Dan Magumba
The Name of the Lord be honoured – Amen. The previous Sunday, Mr. Dan Magumba Preached to the three [3] Congregations at the Cathedral and explored the Topic ‘The place of Prayer in raising a godly generation’ reflecting on Exodus. 33:12-19 and Matthew. 17:14-20 concurrently.
Defining Prayer, Dan pointed out that Prayer is the legal permission human beings give to God in order to allow God get involved in the affairs of the world on one hand as well as in the respective lives of individuals.
The Preacher also mentioned that prayer to God is NOT a static Event and an option to God but a MUST DO especially as the Awesome God is aware of ALL actions and deeds in the World. Prayer therefore is a medium of communication between God and people. “Prayer is the only currency from earth that Heaven understands.”
The impacts/ benefits of Prayer were outlined to include:
i. The wisdom of men cannot sort the problems of men for it’s ONLY through prayer by seeking God’s divine intervention that can sort the problems of men. [2 Chronicles 7:14]
ii. Prayer enables people to ‘get out of their Egypt’ and head to the Promised Land;
iii. Prayer facilitates people to overcome unstable characters in our salvation journey;
iv. Through Prayer, parents prepare their children to become a godly generation; He cautioned Parents to be good examples of living a lifestyle of prayer to their children.
v. Prayer is too important to be ignored; and Jesus’ addressed this matter in the Lord’s Prayer. As a Christian, what is your Address? [Luke 6:12 and Matthew 14:23];
vi. Prayer transforms and translates people from one position to another disregarding any challenges you may have met;
Guiding Question and Prayer moments:
a. Reflecting on the message above, allow some members of your Cell to share practical Testimonies of the use Prayer(s) in their Lives and families. Let them clearly indicate specific Events that have happened.
b. Use the Lord’s Prayer as a Prayer Moment as you wind up the Cell gathering. [Matthew 6:9-15]
Rev. Canon Erisa Grace Sentongo
[Priest in Charge: Home Cells and Pastoral Care]
Tel. Nos. +256 414 342128, +256 77 2503180/702 503180