Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ – Amen. Dr. Peter Asiimwe delivered a Homily to the three (3) Congregations on the Topic ‘Prodigals: Come Home” and basing his exposition on Psalm 51:1-19 and Luke 15: 1-21 respectively. From the onset, Dr. Peter mentioned that people in this World are faced with a dual challenge and conflict, i.e. of pride against humility, religiosity against relationship with God, Works against God’s grace to mention a few. The Preacher pointed out that the above can be overcome and defeated when worshippers encounter Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

By becoming a ‘Prodigal’ you are lost and unable to locate your way(s) – resulting in lavishness, irresponsibility and a wrecked wasteful life as depicted with the young man. Death therefore separates us from the love of God [1John.5:11].

Dr. Peter clearly outlined the process of reconciliation to God and involve:

  1. The recognition that you are wasteful and squandrous and making a complete turn to Christ. This calls for humility in action (repentance), given a new robe [dignity in Christ], dressed with a Ring of Authority and with pair of Shoes to enable you move on.[Luke 15:22]
  2. The deliberate refusal to turn back (come home) represent the fanatics, like the Pharisees who were in the House NOT Home! They depended on works and NOT Grace [Luke 5:30-32].
  3. The denial of the elder brother to forgive his young brother also is punishable to God [since he too was a prodigal] for it hinders reconciliation, harmonious and positive Christian living.[Luke 15:25-32]
  4. The lost can be churched but can still remain prodigal because they are not in communion with God! This can be represented by people living in one house but different ‘homes’; i.e. Husband vs wife, Parents vs children, Church leaders vs the workers etc.
  5. Prodigals therefore apply to all of us: we need to repent, accept the invitation to turn to Christ and acknowledge that our Citizenship is in heaven [Phil. 3:20] and that we  should be reconciled to God [2 Corinthians 5:20].

Guiding Questions and Prayer Moment

  1. ‘We can be ‘Pillars’ and Members in our Churches but remain prodigals’ [ Dr. Peter]. Spend some quality time discussing and analyzing that Statement. Point out some practical areas where you have remained prodigals as Parents, Children and Church Leaders. How can we overcome those challenges? [Joel 2:12-14.]
  2. Spend the rest of your time in Prayer seeking God’s guidance to trim us, work around us and make us new Children of God. [2 Corinthians 5:17]

Revd. Canon Erisa Grace Ssentongo
[Priest in Charge: Home Cells and Pastoral Care]
Tel. Nos. +256 414 342128, +256 77 2503180/702 503180

