Praise God Brethren! Last Sunday sparked off the revival week at ASCK. We hosted Dr. Patrick Larry from USA who ministered to the four [4] congregations on the topic; Rooted in Christ, Growing in faith and Abounding in fruitfulness drawing biblical references from Colossians 2:6-15 and John 15:1-13. He informed parishioners that Being Rooted and Grounded in love, expresses an abiding result that is permanent in us [Ephesians 3:17]. He mentioned one key principle about Christianity; Being a Christian is not about feeling God BUT it is all about knowing God thus he cautioned the congregants that we shouldn’t serve God with our excitement/emotions and experience [Matthew 11:29-30]. Being built up in Christ doesn’t mean building upon Christ BUT rather means building in [salvation] Jesus Christ. Being established is a continuous action that requires you to be firmly anchored in Christ which means that you are continuously establishing yourself with an ever more increasing understanding and knowledge of Jesus Christ that results to bearing much fruit. [John 15:5].

Dr. Patrick encouraged parishioners to study God’s word more so having Bible Study sessions to learn from Him such that as a Church this becomes a continuous action, a continuous growing, a continuous building, a continuous establishing hence bearing much fruit since you are constantly being rooted in Christ [Isaiah 53:2a]. Knowing that you are a child of God is one thing and knowing what a child of God is supposed to do is another thing [Phillippians 2:13]. The parable of the sower reflects a kind of continual relationship that is required by God. [Matthew 13:3-23]; when God gives us the gospel in the following ways;

  • The seed that fell along the path, the birds came and ate it. It means Christians who received the word but refused to understand it or rejected it and satan came and stole it from their heart.
  • The seed that fell on stony ground in this case the roots were on the surface. The sun and the [rain] affected them [problems] because their roots were not deep. These are the type of Christians that heard and loved the gospel and immediately desired to serve God yet immature.
    He cautioned these kind of Christians to desist from serving and representing Christ since they are being fed on milk and therefore they need to study and learn for a period of 2- 3 years so as to be tested hence being ready to [eat meat] serve because you can’t represent someone you don’t know [Hebrews 5:11-14, 6:1-2].
  • And the seed that fell on thorns signifies Christians who fight to live. These are Christians who want so many things in life; they usually hoop from church to church desiring something new in their lives; they have a mentality of praying to God to give them [receiving mentality] always rather than to use them for His glory. The thorns of life bruise and cause them to lose the life that is on the inside. A Christian’s desire should be to learn and study God’s word [Matthew 6:25-33 and Romans 12:1-2]
  • The seed that fell on good soil. For it does not spring up immediately but rather takes time and its roots go deeper and finally it springs up. For these grow not upon Christ but In Christ and eventually bear much fruit. These are Christians who are daily being transformed through the knowledge and understanding of God’s word [2 Timothy 2:15]. They focus on the heavenly things not on the earthly things since their lives are now hidden with Christ in God. [Colossians 3:1-3]

Guidelines and Questions

    1. What does the parable of the sower mean to us & being rooted and established In Christ?
    2. What kind of seed do you identify with and what does God require of you?
    3. Surrender those challenges that hinder your roots from getting deeper such that you remain in Christ and bear lasting fruit.

Rev. Patrick Kamara
Priest in Charge: Home Cell and Pastoral Care
0772482433/0754 482433 /0753922448

