Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Saviour.

Home Cell
The Revd. Paul Ssembiro [Team Leader for AEE] shared on Theme: “Seeking the Lord for the healing of our Land.” And drawing Biblical reference from 2 Chron. 7:11-20 and Matt. 28:16-20 concurrently. On the same Sunday the Christian Women Fellowship (CWF) also commemorated Mary Magdalene’s Day and enrolled new members into the Ministry. As an introduction to his exposition, the Preacher emphasized and reminded the four(4) congregations he preached to that Jesus Christ set a standard and gave us a Mandate as his disciples to fulfil the Great Commission.
Reflecting on 2 Chron. 7:14 Revd. Ssembiro pointed out three (3) overriding key questions which he ably explained to illustrate how individuals as an entity and the Congregations can seek the Lord to heal our Land.
- Does our Land (Uganda) need healing?
- Definitely YES! Our God who is known as a God of Love, Justice and Mercy can choose to shut the Heavens, stop the rain as well send locusts to devour the Land because of disobedience among his people!
He highlighted examples, such as; prolonged Drought and Famine, Pests and Diseases affecting crops, the serious economic challenges, corruption, wrangles among the Civil Servants, the selfish politicians of today, Land grabbing, Cancer increase, high rate of violence, Immorality, Accidents, Divorce among others in Uganda that require us to call upon God’s divine intervention.
- Disregarding the fact that Uganda has eloquent and well educated people, the State of moral decadence and the move to disengage God in our day to day life is a clear Sign that Divine judgment is upon our Land!
The above therefore portrays that our Nation urgently require God’s intervention and urgent healing.
- How do we seek the Lord and what does it mean?
- God requires us today to seek him earnestly through: Humility, Crying out to him in prayer and repentance [living transformed lives]
- Seeking the Lord means returning to the Lord through forsaking Secularism, worshiping Idols, witchcraft and practicing immorality
- WE should call on God in prayer and fasting (Joel 2:12-27). Our lives MUST be aligned to godly principles of righteousness and justice, living lives of integrity and make straight ourselves with the ordinances of the Lord (Isaiah 58:6-12); God is calling upon us to STOP oppressing the poor, the vulnerable, and the voiceless.
- Connecting with the personality of Jesus Christ as the Healer
- Uganda as a Nation, Families and Individuals need healing from God through the gift of his Son Jesus Christ. (Mark 5:25-29) Just a touch on Jesus’ garment provides automatic healing!
- For the healing process to begin on our Land, we need to sit at the feet of Jesus and he takes control (Isaiah 53:3-5).
Guiding Questions and Prayer Items
- Allow every member of the Cell to Mention 2 to 3 issues in their Life, Family, at Work, Community, Church and Nation that burden you today to seek God’s face?
- Reflect on the Scriptures provided above, discuss and illustrate the kind of response God is desiring from you concerning the above mentioned Issues?
- Spend some quality time in Prayer as an individual and as a Cell group to surrender everything mentioned above for God’s divine intervention in the Healing of your life, Family, work, Community, Church, Land [Nation]
Revd. Canon Erisa Grace Sentongo
[Priest in Charge: Home Cells and Pastoral Care]
Tel. Nos. +256 414 342128, +256 77 2503180/702 503180