A Blessed 2020 Brethren! In His Christmas message, The Most Rev. Stanley Ntagali on the topic: TO US A CHILD IS BORN from Isaiah 9:1-6 and John 1:1-17. Christmas should always reminds us of God’s love to the dark world; revealing His eternal love to humanity. A fulfillment of the ancient prophesy by prophet Isaiah to us a child is a born and a son is given, who was present at creation and through whom all things were made. The relationship between the word and the father is eternal. The father loves the son and the son seeks to glorify the father thus the father and the son have a mutual companionship, relationship and glory which is eternal. He provides life and light to brighten the world, to bring transformation and hope to people’s hopelessness that’s why Isaiah emphases light to the dark world. And he was to come through Mary, a virgin humble woman who got the glory and honor to be the mother of the savior of the whole world. He came to bridge the gap that existed between humanity and their creator, between neighbors and their neighbors; Emmanuel. The central message for Christmas is, Christ who loved us and came to live with us and finally died for us on the cross for our salvation. He was born, he grew up, he committed no sin but finally he consummated His ministry by dying on the cross. He is the light of the world though he came to his own and they didn’t receive him yet to those that received him he gave them the right to be children of God.
Christmas is not about clothes or food, for it’s about Jesus Christ whom we need to look for as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
1 Do you value the coming of the savior to the dark and hurting world? Many People have rejected the light of the world. The wonderful counselor, the prince of peace. Many people today are looking for material gain, self-centered, greedy despite our motto as a country; “For God and My country” mismanagement of
the various endowed resources; failure to care for the welfare of citizens, pregnant women, children, the vulnerable, ensure good service delivery; A MUST to repent from this selfishness such that we make Uganda a better place. Many evil things in our communities, Families, offices; conflicts and wars in our world today, accidents, human traffic, family threats, Domestic violence, sexual immorality and pervasion Note: the GOD given right is that marriage is between Man and Woman. For this is the true teaching in the bible that we should maintain as Church of Uganda.
2 Jesus is the Light and Peace of the world. Jesus brings Good news to us. Many people, families and those working are going through difficult circumstances in their lives. The good news is that the world needs the gospel of salvation and a connection to Jesus Christ. The Lord gives you another chance to live, stand and
work for him and to be a great steward to the prince of peace.
3 We need to receive the good news personally. For He came for me and you. The wonderful counselor came to give you and me guidance, and forgiveness. Therefore, allow the great counsellor to reside in your heart permanently. We need repentance and forgiveness of sins in our individual lives, marriages, families, business, politics and desist from commercialization of politics, tribalism, nepotism and look to our Lord Jesus Christ who is the source of all peace in Uganda, Africa and the whole world. May we allow Christ to be born
in our heart[s] and cross over to the New Year 2020 as a Liberated, Reconciled, and Forgiven children of God.
Guidelines and Questions
1) What does the Christmas message mean to you?
2) What are you resolving to do as you cross over to the New Year 2020?
3) Prayerfully ask each one to allow Christ enter into our lives through a prayer of confession.
More Study Helps:
Gen 1:1, John 1:1-3, Col 1:16, John 3:16, Acts1:8. John 1:10-12, John 1:14.