Praise the Lord Saints and may His name be glorified- Amen. We were honoured to have Revd. Patricia Laaki as our Preacher in the three (3) services on 20th January and she shared on the Topic “The just shall live by Faith” drawing biblical references from 1 Samuel 1:9-18; Luke 2:25-33.

Revd. Patricia pointed out the following Key Issues, namely:

  1. Living by Faith means that one has to be righteous, posses a good character and does what is good in the sight of God [Romans 1:16-17];
  2. Having faith in something you do not see, touch and comprehend is a risk and this was demonstrated with Abraham [i.e. the promise Land Story in Genesis 12:1];
  3. Living by faith therefore requires of us to do those things that God demands us to do, to believe in Him and act in His ways. [Hebrews 11:1,6];
  4. Christians at all levels therefore should learn to believe, have trust in God and act by Faith. Christians MUST desist from pride, fear, doubt, being in comfort zone and instead they should wake up and act by faith; [James 2:14-26];
  5. Parents therefore are called to affirm their children, pray for them regularly, mentor them by closely hearing and talking to them; and above all MUST dream dreams for them for posterity and Christian growth. In doing the above, allow God to take center stage of the children’s lives and parents should provide support, synergy and guidance to them.

Guiding Questions and Prayer moment
a. As a Cell spend quality time to reflect, share and discuss the above Topic;
b. How has God’s righteous plan in your Christian journey impacted on you ? [Give practical Testimonies];
c.  Devote the rest of the time in Prayer and allow God to reveal to you ways how you can live by Faith.

Rev. Canon Erisa Grace Ssentongo
[Priest in Charge: Home Cells and Pastoral Care]
Tel. Nos. +256 414 342128, +256 77 2503180/702 503180

