“Casual inquirers end up being causalities_ thus premature death” Mr. Nicholas Kisakye

May the Peace of the Lord, His Love and Favour prevail over you always –AMEN.
In introducing the Topic for the Sunday, i.e. ‘A Generation that seeks God’, Mr. Nicholas Kisakye emphasized that seeking God excludes Christians who are casual inquirers who unfortunately end up being causalities! The Preacher pointed out that seeking God is done wholeheartedly NOT half-heartedly. Reflecting from Psalm 24:1-6 and Matthew. 6:25-34 concurrently. The Preacher pointed out the following key issues and principles to abide by namely:
i. Seeking God is a battle to be fought by all Christians who must find God with commitment, devotion and perseverance; [Matthew 7:7-8]
ii. Seeking God requires one to totally depend on Him alone and desist from worrying about the worldly things. [Matthew 6:33-34]
iii. Whoever seeks the things pertaining the kingdom of God earnestly finds them since they are a hidden mystery only revealed to a few. [Luke 8:10] and as well to those that know how to handle them preciously [Matthew 7:6]
iv.  God created us for a purpose and He did this that we would seek and find Him. [Acts 17:26-28]
v. Seeking God demands that the Seeker ceases to be a casual inquirer! It requires one to do so wholeheartedly and NOT halfheartedly. That done therefore allows God to be rooted in you, use Him and transform your life. [Luke 11:5-10]
The preacher finally called upon the congregations to Read, Study and Prayerfully Meditate on the Word of God, in so doing it will permeate and transform their lives; and allow the Holy Spirit to direct them; and also live to apply the Bible to all their life circumstances.

Guiding Question and Prayer Moments
1. Seeking God excludes Christians who are ‘Casual Inquirers’! Share this Statement amongst your Cell Members and point out attributes of this Class of people?
2. Point out some practical steps how we can stop being Causalities on the road that seeks God. [Joshua 1:7-8, Jeremiah 29:11-14, 2 Chronicles 7:14]
3. Spend the rest of the Time committed to God and seek His guidance in seeking Him as Lord and Savior.

Rev. Canon Erisa Grace Ssentongo
Priest in Charge: Home Cells and Pastoral Care
Tel. Nos. +256 414 342128, +256 77 2503180/702 503180
Emails: kasawuli2000@gmail.com/kasawuli2000@yahoo.com

