Praise the Lord! Mr. David Sepuya a distinguished Journalist, Member of St Francis Chapel Makerere and a Preacher man delivered a Sermon on “Challenges of raising a godly Generation: “ Effects of Media” to the three (3) All Saints’ Congregations on 10th March 2019. The Preacher pointed out that the more the environment changes and its core value is affected, the deeper Media would impact on the people especially the Children and Youth!
Mr. Sepuya strongly cautioned that Media has a cognitive [intellectual/perception] dissonance [influence] that inflict people’s attitudes, beliefs and behaviours to which Adults and Parents should watch and guide, train on one hand BUT also mentor children in good conduct; as opposed to what Alice Bailey authoritatively propounded when she wrote decades of years ago that “… when you are changing a Nation, influence the children and youth…”
Wrongful use of the Media therefore can impact negatively on a Nation with varying defaming values – like stopping to pray, failure to attend Church without any reason to mention but a few! In such a state of affair(s) and context, Parents ought to do some of the following:
Mr. Sepuya outlined workable and practical principles that may be used in raising a godly family and include:
Guiding Questions and Prayer Moments
Revd. Canon Erisa Grace Sentongo
[Priest in Charge: Home Cells and Pastoral Care]
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