The Name of the Lord be praised: Amen. The Rt. Revd Dr Hannigton Mutebi, the Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Kampala delivered the Pentecostal Sermon to All Saints Cathedral Nakasero on the Theme ‘Reasonable Acts of Service’ and drawing Biblical references from St Luke 17:7-10 and Romans 12:1-3 correspondingly.
He pointed out that the Holy Spirit enables Christians to focus and pursue reasonable acts of service(s) in our families, Businesses and Ministry to the Church. He also reminded the 4 congregations that the Day of Pentecost was then and is still significant to the lives of Believers because it:
a. It imparts the Spirit among them to perform various acts of service;
b. Commemorates 50 days after Easter and stands out as a Reminder when the Jews gathered in Jerusalem and offered the first fruits of their Harvest to the Lord [ Exod. 23:16]; and most importantly.
c. As a Day of the Divine Visitation of the Holy spirit among the people of God.
The Preacher emphasized that the Day of Pentecost was manifested by symbolism of strong Winds, Fire and Tongues [Acts 2:1-4]. The Holy Spirit therefore determines and affects the way(s) you serve the Lord. The above can be witnessed through some of the following ways, namely:
i. The ways one shares and publicly reaches out the Gospel to others;
ii. The Holy Spirit revives life in a seeming dead situation – provides hope, love and focus to the Believers in all situations;
iii. The Holy spirit convicts believers of sin and subsequently tones us down to repentance and total transformation.
Bishop Mutebi further pointed out that through Jesus’s redemptive act of salvation, our sins are wiped away by God’s mercy through total surrender to Him [Rom.12:1]. Similarly, Christians are called to renew their lives continually by confessing Jesus as Lord and Savior. All the above can only be achieved through the working of the Holy Spirit among the people of God.
Bishop Mutebi applauded the All Saints Cathedral Congregation for allowing the Holy Spirit to live within them and impart on them a godly spirit; and untiringly contribute wholeheartedly to the building of the new Sanctuary.
Guiding Questions and Prayer requests
1. Reasonable act of the Holy Spirit creates an intimate relationship for the worshipper with His Creator as reflected from Luke 3:16 and Acts 2:36-47. Carefully study the above Scriptures and share with the Team;
2. Is the Holy Spirit ‘Resident’ and or a ‘President” in your Life? Share your personal testimony.
3. Reflect on Isaiah 30:21 as a Team and later allow the Holy Spirit to reign in and guide your Life, Family and Nation.
Revd Canon Erisa Grace Sentongo
Priest in Charge: Home Cells and Pastoral care
Tel. Nos: +256 414342128, +256772503180/+256702503180