Home Cell fellowship
The entire Month of October 2016, 4 Preachers dwelt with the major Theme of the ‘Ministry of Reconciliation’ – out of which different sub Themes were covered to include: Breaking the Wall of Hostility, Reconciled for Nation Building, Reconciled to wholeness and Ambassadors of Reconciliation. Concluding the Preaching Sessions for the Month, Mr. Praff Philip considered the Topic Ambassadors of Reconciliation and focused on the Texts of 2 Cor.5:11-20 and Jn. 3:16-21 respectively.
The Preacher explained that an Ambassador is a person considered to represent a Government, Organization, A specific Activity, an individual and or Company. He/she clearly stands in for the interests of the Appointee. God therefore appointed His People as His ambassadors for the Ministry of reconcilation and restoration. The following Key Issues were pointed out, namely:
- Christians hold a dual citizenship – the former being representatives of God here on earth while the later makes them full Citizens of heaven [ 2 Cor. 5:18 – 19];
- Our God is Holy and is our Light [Jn. 1:4]. We need to follow His Footsteps;
- We should emulate Christ since He was/is a Sacrificial Lamb that reconciled us as fallen men/women us to God [ Rom. 3:23];
- God therefore is our permanent Friend and demands that we pray for each other, forgive one another and above all declare the Word of God to those that are lost [ Mt: 28:18ff]]; and that
- All Christians are Christ’s Ambassadors – fully representing Him in all constituencies we hold.
Guiding Thoughts/ Question and prayer Items
- As an Individual, stop and ask yourself: ‘How well am I fulfilling my Commission as Christi’s Ambassador?’
- As Members of the Cell, stop and ask: ‘Are we intentional in reaching out and engaging with other people around our Location?
- AS an Individual, stop and ask: ‘Am I satisfied living with Sin around me? How can I overcome this?
- Spend the last few minutes seeking God’s counsel on how He can make you as an individual and cell member a better ambassador of Christ.
Revd. Canon Erisa Grace Sentongo
Priest in charge – Pastoral care and Home cells
Tel. Nos. +256 772503180/702503180
Emails: kasawuli2000@gmail.com/kasawuli2000@yahoo.com