Praise the Lord God’s Children! The previous Sunday ushered us in another New Season for the Church Leadership at the Cathedral. The four (4) Cathedral Services welcomed warmly the Acting Provost the Rev. Canon Dr. Rebecca Nyegenye, the Vicar Revd. Captain David Sserunjogi [Salongo], Revd. Patrick Kamara, Mrs. Deborah Lwanga as Counsellor and the Verger Mr. Emmanuel Unenboth.

The Revd. Canon John Awodi [Diocesan Secretary for the Diocese of Kampala] was the Guest Preacher and he focused on the Topic ‘Moses: charged to deliver Israel from bondage’ and drawing references from Exod.3:1-12; John 6:25-35 respectively. The Preacher pointed out that:
i.  To be charged for a specific Mission is a great command to provide focus, commitment and direction for a specific Group within a given season and time. One charged with that task ought to deliver the message and act to redeem the people involved out of bondage i.e. external forces and symptoms that may hinder their rightful and holistic living;
ii. Just like the contexts for both the Old and New Testaments, the Preacher clearly pointed out that Uganda was engulfed in a spirit of defiance, selfishness, erroneous thoughts and above all abuse of Office(s) – to which ONLY Cod could avert! [Jeremiah 17:9-10] In order that Ugandans can re-focus and turn to the Lord, the Preacher provided the following key guidelines:
a.  People should desist from desires for quick profits without much laboring for it! such as gambling [betting];
b.  People should desist from stressful life and come back to Him who automatically shall relieve them of their bondages at no cost:[Matthew 11:28-30];
c. People should stop the copy and paste syndrome and be original [ Jeremiah 1:4-5];
d. People should halt their desires for pleasures [ like flies trapped in a bottle] and focus on God and;
e. People need to recast their mindset(s) and focus to God who makes all things new in Jesus Christ. [Jeremiah 33:3]

The Preacher reminded ALL the three (3) congregations that we can be delivered from the above mentioned bondages through discernment and perceiving the time by responding to God’s charge in delivering His people in a given season. [1 Chronicles 12:32]

a) Reflecting on the message above; share certain experiences in your life where you have heard God’s command to deliver you and your family from a certain bondage and what was your response?
b) Study and prayerfully reflect on Matthew 28:16-20. What have you done; and what are you doing about this Charge that Christ has given you and I as we walk this Christian journey?

Rev. Canon Erisa Grace Sentongo
[Priest in Charge: Home Cells and Pastoral Care]
Tel. Nos. +256 414 342128, +256 77 2503180/702 503180

