The Most Revd. Stanley Ntagali, the Archbishop of the Province of the Church of Uganda and at the same time Diocesan Bishop for the Diocese of Kampala preached to all the Congregations at the Cathedral on Easter Day. His Grace first appreciated and applauded the tremendous work the Congregations had done in building the new Cathedral.
“Without the Cross, there would be no Christianity! Jesus Christ rose from the dead: He lives and is our total liberator. The Empty Tomb therefore signifies His Victory over death”, Archbishop Stanley boldly stated. The above mentioned, His Grace expressed concern as to why most of the crimes committed today are majorly done by Christians! He castigated the rampant immorality, excessive abuse of power and indulgence in stealing poor peoples’ land; and above all corruption and bad governance that had become be the order of the day!

The Archbishop encouraged the Cathedral Congregations specifically and Uganda at large and pointed out that:
i. The weak in the Community then [i.e. women] were key in propagating the resurrection message of Jesus [Lk.23:55-56] – which exemplified their steadfastness, determination and readiness in Ministry and Mission work;
ii. The impact of Christianity should not be measured on the number of Churches, Clergy and different Ministries, BUT to be anchored on the peace and justice Jesus brought to our Families. Christians there fore must rise and rise in Jesus Christ who is our salvation;
iii. Jesus therefore appears to us on a day to day basis – for he is God and man. He listens to us and meets our needs; and
iv. Through the resurrection, He has the Key to settle all our challenges.

The Archbishop challenged all the Congregations to look to Jesus as Lord and Saviour: the ONLY one who determines our destiny.
He wished the Cathedral Congregations at large and specifically the entire Nation a peaceful Easter Season.

Guiding Question and prayer Time
1. Spend quality Time as a Team sharing the wonderful things God has enabled you as an Individual, Family and Nation to overcome. Point out some of those Areas where we have failed and need God’s intervention.
2. Spare the remaining Time in honest Prayer – seeking God’s direction in restoring us to a new Family and Nation.

Revd. Canon Erisa Grace Sentongo
[Priest in Charge: Home Cells and Pastoral Care]

