Text: 1 Chronicles 8:1-40
The tribe of Benjamin gets a lengthy mention because of King Saul, the first
King of Israel. When he drifted away from Yahweh, God anointed David, from Judah, to be the next King. Saul tried a number of times to kill David, but Yahweh protected David. In the end, Saul dies, and David takes the throne. In fact, the eternal reign from Judah was predestined, prophesied, pre-declared by Yahweh through the blessing of Jacob upon his son Judah (Gen.49:10).

Jesus Christ is that eternal King. The original king, Adam, in his heart drifted away from Yahweh, disobeyed Him, and thereby abdicated the throne. Since then, Satan continuously tried to destroy God’s plan to have His Son reign. But when Jesus rose from the dead, His reign was secured forever. This is our King, Jesus Christ, who has drawn us to Himself and made us to be His people. He now rules and defends us. By the grace of God, with all our energy, let us trust, love, and serve our eternal King Jesus.

Meditate on verse 33. Why is King Saul a Key figure in this chapter?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I desire to worship You always. Keep me
close to Yourself. Amen.

