Text: Act 9:1-43.
Many Christians today read this account of Saul and feel envious of his dramatic conversion (vv. 1-6). They may have been raised in a Christian family, in a good church, and always knew about Jesus and always trusted Him for their salvation. That is a great testimony, because that is the way God generally does covenant. Sure, He converts persons later in life, but also in quiet ways.
But understand this, that every believer, whenever he/she believed, all had a radical conversion, even though it may not have been experienced as Saul had. All human beings are sinners, enemies of God by nature (Eph.2:3). When God the Holy Spirit brings a person from spiritual death (Eph.2:1) into spiritual life, a violent, drastic, radical event has occurred, just as dramatic as when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead (John11), and as when dry bones were brought to life by the Holy Spirit (Ezek.37).You may not have been aware, but your conversion was radical! Now live like a person brought out of death and
joined to the radical resurrection of Christ.
Meditate on verse 20. Who is Jesus Christ?
My heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, let the enemies of the Church be convicted of sin, repent and be saved. Amen.