Text: Daniel 6:1-28
What? A government official who cannot be corrupted? You must be joking! Yet, here we have one single strong Prophet of God who stood up to pressure and was faithful in all things (vv.4-5) . By this time, Daniel had probably been a respected public servant for 50 years, yet in all that time he followed God’s law consistently.

No, he was not sinless as Jesus, but he had a perfect record in public service. Do you and I take our promises and our work this seriously? Once again his commitment to obey Yahweh above all else has a personal cost, and his life is threatened.

Daniel respected and obeyed God’s law, while upholding that of the country
he lived in. King Darius had to do the same (vv.25-27). Therefore, the people
expected that Darius had nothing else to do but condemn Daniel to death…or so he feared. But King Darius does something amazing of a king: he fasts and prays for Daniel! The Lord always honored Daniel in his public ministry and was once again faithful to protect him from dangerous politics. Darius the Mede had learned what the Babylonians had failed to learn. By God’s Grace, both men were overjoyed at the miraculous intervention of the God whom Daniel feared and worshipped. All of this was because a God fearing man chose to pray faithfully everyday. May the Lord give us the grace.

Meditate on verses 4-5. What is God teaching you in those verses? How are you going to apply them to your life?
Heavenly Father, help me to stand firm against any temptations that come my way. Give me victory over the devil and his demons. In the name of Jesus Christ I have prayed. Amen.

