Text: 1 John 4:1-21
Here John is contending with fake teachers who were maintaining that Jesus Christ, only “appeared” to be human, the spirit behind such teaching was of the devil, otherwise under the Spirit of God a person will confess and teach that
Jesus Christ has come in the flesh (v.2). At that time there was wrong teaching from Gnostics (who claimed among other false teaching that the world was evil because it was made up of matter and matter is evil), particularly from the Corinthians who were spreading false teaching that the divine Christ came upon the human Jesus at baptism, and left Him at the cross, meaning that it was the man Jesus who died. This was a terrible lie leading many to hell.
This was proper anti-Christ teaching (v.3). Only under the influence of the Holy Spirit, who is from God, does one confess that Jesus Christ is Saviour and Lord.

Meditate on verse 2. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father in the name of Jesus Christ, I acknowledge Your human and divine nature. I appreciate Your power to save. Amen.

