Text: Esther 4:1-17
When Mordecai learns about the evil plot, he made a public display of grief,
verse 1, including loud wailing in public, right at the King’s gate. All over the Persian Empire the people of Judah were doing the same. Mordecai ordered Esther to beg the King for mercy. Esther is afraid to do that, because no one may stand before the King unless the King summons the person first. If he does not, that person is executed. Mordecai’s response (v.14) shows that he knows God will provide help from somewhere, and it is most likely that Esther has been made Queen for this purpose. Esther agrees and puts her life into the hands of God (v.16).

This is our confidence in difficult circumstances – trusting in the Absolute
Sovereignty of God. All things happen according to God’s eternal plan, for
everything, before anything was made. The Creator continues to work out that plan, governing every moment by His hand (Acts 4:28). God’s plan cannot be changed nor stopped. Of course, we cannot know what God’s plan is until we see it happening. But, when God records a promise in Scripture, we know that He will fulfill it somehow. Jesus promises that His people will be brought safely into His Kingdom (John14:2-3). It is God’s plan that life is often very difficult.

Please, trust and persevere. One day we will be with the Lord forever!
Meditate on verse 16. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me to be a person who prays and
fasts, seeking Your face. Amen

