Text: Luke1:1-25
Zachariah and Elizabeth were both righteous before God; but they had no child as Elizabeth was barren (vv.6-7). Despite this challenge they were very loyal to God. Many think that if you are faithful to God, then everything would be fine with you; this is not necessarily so. Later, in her old age, Elizabeth conceived and gave birth to John and her reproach was removed (vv.24-25). So, John joined the club of the eminent biblical people, born of a woman who had been childless for a long time, namely; Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Samson, and Samuel; all were uniquely fitted in God’s desired eternal plan in their times. In difficult circumstances remain faithful to God; His Will is the best for you. Trust in God and in His Son, Jesus Christ (John 14:1). As you celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, let Christ be born in your life, let Him be your Saviour and Lord. Amen.
Meditate on verse 6. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Heavenly Father and ever guiding light, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray
that You firmly hold me to remain anchored in Your will and be steadfastly
guided in my footsteps and ways by the Holy Spirit all my life, according
to Your will. Amen.