Text: Joshua 23:1-16

Joshua is about to die, so he calls the nation together to give them his final words. He begins by reminding them to be faithful in removing the pagan nations from within their territory (chapter 16). He warns them not to associate with the pagans, not to marry with them, and not to serve their gods. Joshua’s greatest command is in v.11, “… love the LORD your God” (ESV) (Deut.6:5).

According to Jesus, the command to love God is the greatest of all commands (Matt.22:38). All other commands hang on this one. In everything we do, if we chose to love God, we would automatically be obeying all other commands.
Sadly, we do not, and it’s not in our nature to do it. But Jesus loved His Father perfectly, obeying perfectly, and His obedience is accepted by the Father for us.

If you trust Jesus to be your Saviour, you have new desires and new abilities.
Pray for God’s grace so that you can love and obey God with all your heart, soul, and might.

Meditate on verse 11. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me to love You more than ever before.

