Text: Jeremiah 50:1-46
Time came when the people in the Babylonian Empire saw themselves
as untouchable (v.1). After God had used Babylon to serve His purposes of
punishing Judah because of her sins, God was set on punishing Babylon for her own sins. Indeed, Babylon was eliminated in 539 B.C. by the Medo-Persians (Dan. 51:30-31). Also in Scripture, Babylon is used as a symbol of all evil. Pride, probably because of its conquests, it felt self-sufficient and did not need God.
Avoid pride, for it will destroy you. Jesus Christ is our good example of one who defeated pride (Luk.4:5-8).
Meditate on verse 5. How are you going to respond to it?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me and some of my leaders to
overcome pride. Amen.