Text: Matthew 14:1-21
John the Baptist stood firm and confronted King Herod Antipas for wrong doing. King Herod Antipas had married Herodias, his brother’s wife, wrongly or sinfully. To make matters worse Herodias was a daughter to Aristobulus, another son to Herod the Great. So, marrying her uncle was an act of clear incest, thus violating Lev.18:16. Now John was so annoyed at having such a king in Israel and he rebuked Herod Antipas, to the annoyance of Herodias.
Thus, Herodias harboured a deep-seated grudge against John and sought revenge against him. An opportune time came when her daughter, Salome, danced well before the King and the King had pledged to give her whatever she asked for, in extravagant appreciation. On the advice of her mother, the daughter asked for the head of John the Baptist on a platter. The head was delivered (vv.3-11).
Will you stand firm and confront evil in our society or you fear for your life?
Will you stand for the gospel even when you sense it might take your life or property? Take heart you are not alone, Jesus is beside you (28:18-20).
Meditate on verse 16. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Our Lord heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for deep grounding of my faith and trust in You, in keeping Your Word; so that I may on any day be able to “stand in the gap” and never fail to feed Your flock, on the truth of Your God, inspite of the circumstances or situation. Amen.