Text: Joshua 14:1-15
Caleb was one of the 12 men who entered Canaan to spy the land. He and Joshua trusted in Yahweh’s promise to give the land to Israel. Now, 45 years later, he requests from Joshua a certain territory be allotted to him, a land occupied by large people and strong cities, the Anakim. By the grace of God (v.12) Caleb was victorious.
The greater Caleb, our Caleb, Jesus Christ, entered the territory of the strong man (Satan) and defeated him (Matt.12:29). We are not strong at all, we are not able to take the strong man’s possessions. But Jesus has taken everything the enemy controlled, and He has given it to us, His people, the eternal Israel.
In this life it may not seem as though you possess anything, but all of it is yours.
One day you will see it with your eyes and enjoy it forever. But even in this life, though you are weak, you are strong in Christ (2 Cor.12:10) and can do all things in Him (Phil.4:13).
Meditate on verse 12. Caleb is trusting God to take on a hard territory. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me believe You for the impossible or very difficult tasks, trusting that You will give me victory. Amen.