Text: Psalm 110:1-7
This Psalm together with Psalm 118 is the most quoted Psalm in the New Testament. It also holds most exalted prophecies of the Bible portraying Jesus Christ as the King (vv.1-3), especially when it says “My Lord” in verse 1. It
also portrays Jesus Christ as a Priest (v.4), ”…You are a Priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek” (NKJV). Up to this point there was never a King in Israel who also acted as a High Priest. In this Psalm, Jesus Christ is also portrayed as a Warrior (vv. 5-7). Note that the King in the Old Testament was a warrior king as he was empowered by God to defeat his enemies who were also the enemies of God.
In the New Testament Christ, as a King, is the Prince of peace and His enemies are spiritual enemies, the devil and demons who challenge His agenda and blessings. Receive and believe in Jesus Christ, and He will be your King, Priest and Prophet.
Meditate on verse 4. What is God teaching you in this verse?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, rise and conquer my enemies. Amen