Text: 1 Kings 14:1-31
King Jeroboam had already set in motion the eventual destruction of Israel. An indicator of this is the death of his son, Abijah. God was pleased with the son (v.13) , and it seems that God was removing him from the downward plunge of the nation. The last thing we read about King Jeroboam is his death.

But the promise is that Yahweh will raise up a King (v.14) who will bring the dynasty of Jeroboam to an end (15:29). But ultimately that will be King Jesus, who will destroy every thing and every person set against God. Jesus is still bringing all things under His rulership. One day His work will be finished, everything will be set right, and King Jesus will reign in righteousness forever.

Meditate on verses 7-10. What is God teaching you in these verses?
Heavenly Father, help me stick to You always and to the fellowship of Your Risen Son; forgive me all my sins. In the name of Jesus Christ I have prayed. Amen.

