Text: Jeremiah 43:1-13
It is seen here that Johanan and his group had come to Jeremiah to seek God’s approval of their plan and not God’s will for them to follow (vv.1-3). Jeremiah is falsely accused of not speaking the truth from God. They decide to go to Egypt against God’s will. They also force Jeremiah to go with them, falsely imagining that God will not punish them if they are with a Prophet, Jeremiah (v.7). Jeremiah could have chosen to go into a comfortable exile in Babylon (40:4), but he instead chose to be with his difficult people. The Lord called King Nebuchadnezzar His servant in the sense that He had appointed him as instrument to punish His stubborn children (v.10). God can use your enemy as an agent to judge and punish you.

Meditate on verse 7. How are you going to respond to it?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I repent of the many times I have disobeyed You and have not followed the prompting of Your Holy Spirit. Cleanse me with the blood of Jesus Christ. In the name of Jesus Christ I have prayed. Amen.

