Text. 1 Samuel 8:1-22
As Samuel was getting quite old, the people realised his wise leadership was coming to an end. His sons were unjust, so they would not be able to lead as well. So, the elders of Israel told Samuel to give them a king, just like all the nations around them. They failed to see that they were a unique nation – Yahweh was their King. They were rejecting God. Samuel warned them of the trouble their behaviour would cause them, but they wanted to be like everyone else (vv. 5, 20).
Often in our modern era, people desire to be in or migrate to churches where there is strong, popular leader. The Scriptures teach that Jesus alone is at the pinnacle. Jesus alone is King and Head of His Church. He rules by the power of the Holy Spirit, according to His Word, the Bible, and the elders lead the churches as His ministers. Always brush off the temptation and be careful not to be in churches where leaders are worshipped rather that Jesus Christ.
Meditate on verses 6- 7. What is God teaching you in these verses?
Almighty and ever loving Father, cultivate in me a heart that yearns to consult You always as I make decisions. Forgive me whenever I have rejected You through my decisions and actions. In Your name, Jesus Christ, I have prayed. Amen.