Text: Isaiah 40:1-31
Prophet Isaiah is calling on the people to prepare their ways straight. You prepare your way straight through repentance of sin and having confidence and trust in the Word of God. (vv. 3-5). The Israelites are being promised that the difficulties they are facing in captivity will be removed on their return.

You prepare the way for the Lord as you suppress all that would stand in the way. You make straight the way for Christ by making room for Him. The valleys represent those who lack comfort in Christ and are dejected. The mountains and hills represent those who do not have comfort in Christ because of pride while the crooked represent those with prejudices towards the Word and the ways of God, they must be made straight. When all these are done (v 3-4), then the glory of God is revealed (v. 5). It is only in Christ that straight highways are made, valleys are exalted, mountains and hills are brought low, crooked places are made straight and rough places smoothened.

Meditate on verse 3-4. How are you going to apply them to your life?

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that You help me to prepare my way straight and put my life in order that I may worship You properly. Amen.

