Text: Daniel 5:1-31
Very often the lessons of the father are not passed on to his sons. Yet when God reveals His truth then there is the requirement of honoring and following Him. To know the truth holds you accountable to it! A generation or more passes and the lessons of Nebuchadnezzar are lost. His heir, Belshazzar was not a popular king; yet in full view of his court he drinks to get drunk. And how does he do this? By using the very holy and sacred cups and bowls used for worship in the Holy Place of the Temple (vv.3, 5). Not only were they used for sin, they were used for pagan idolatry.
I can think of no other greater insult to Yahweh than this! It should be no surprise to us that a Holy and Righteous God would not allow this to go unpunished. The hand writing on the wall was not understood, but its implications were disturbing; therefore, Daniel enters into government service once again: Never in history has anyone insulted God or His people and escaped His justice.

Daniel has every right to tell the king in his face that he was accountable to the One true God, who his forefathers knew and experienced His truth and power. If God had shown His judgement before, since when could any other king after believe that he could insult Him without judgement? (vv.22-23, 26-28, 30). Not only did he lose his life, but he lost the entire Kingdom, for the next day saw the rise of the Medo-Persian Kingdom, or Empire, all counted.

When we handle the very truth of God’s Word, we must be very sober and serious people. To ignore, mishandle, and lie about what God has revealed in His Word has serious consequences. Absolutely no one can escape the demands of the truth.

We must use what we know to be true with great care.
Meditate on verses 22-23. What is God teaching you in these verses? How are you going to respond to them?

My heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, forgive me for the many times I have defiled Your Holy Name. Cleanse me with the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen.

