Text: Deuteronomy 29:1-29

The previous generation would not trust God and His promises, they broke the Covenant. Now God is renewing the Covenant with the new generation, those who are about to enter the land of promise. Included in the Covenant are the
children, as well as the adults. Then when they cross the River Jordan, all the males will receive circumcision (Jos.5:2-7), the sign of the Covenant.

There is a very popular idea among Christians that the sign of the Covenant, baptism, should only be given to those who confess sin and put their faith in Jesus. But God has not changed the way he does covenant. He has always included the children of believers (Gen.17:1-14; Act.2:38-39). Jesus brought the children close to Himself and blessed them (Luk.18:15-17). When you have children, present them to your elders for baptism. Mark them as belonging to the Covenant God and the Covenant community. Teach them to know the Covenant Scriptures and to trust, love, and obey the Covenant Saviour.

Meditate on verses 10 – 15. What is God teaching you in these verses?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, thank You for the truth You have taught me through Your Word. Amen.

