Text: Isaiah 51:1-23
The Lord points to Abraham’s faithfulness, he was called one but because of his faithfulness to the Lord, God blessed and increased him. You may be one, or few but still have faith and trust God, you will be amazed, the Lord will increase you and multiply you. Do not be afraid or be discouraged by the scorning of evil doers in our society, instead trust and have faith in God (v. 7). The Lord who performed miracles as He founded Israel, is the same God. He does not change, much as the method He will use may change in your circumstance (vv. 9-10).

Like Israel feared their enemies more than their God (vv. 12-16) many times we too fear our enemies more and trust in God less. God is calling us, His children, to fear His power and embrace His mercy in Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord.

Meditate on verse 7. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, teach me how to trust in Your Word more and fear of my enemies less. Amen.

