Text: Jeremiah 13:15-27
The Lord is calling on His people to repent of their sins and give glory to Him (vv.15-16), He knows that on their own they cannot change (v.23). It is only God who would enable them to change.

It is only the blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29) that can wash away your sins. Receive and believe in Him and seek forgiveness from God, in Christ all your sins are forgiven (Col.2:13).
Meditate on verse 15. How are you going to apply it to your life?

Our Lord and heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that, You grant us ears, as a nation, to hear Your voice and Your calling on all of us to repent. This, I pray especially for those who are often led to do evil rather than good. Amen.

