Text: 1 Samuel 22:1-23
King Saul was becoming more and more bitter and paranoid about anything that was God-ward. In his hunt for David (God’s next anointed king) Saul learned that David was assisted by priests (the servants of God’s worship). So Saul sent for those priests from the town of Nob. The priests tried to speak peace to Saul, but he would not listen. The King ordered his soldiers to kill the priests, but they were afraid to do it. However, Doeg the Edomite (descendant of Esau), was willing, and he killed 85 priests. Recall that priests were spiritual validators of Kingships as God’s messengers and intercessors, and interpreters of His Law (Deut. 17:18)

That same battle between those who belong to God’s grace and those who do not was seen in the time of Jesus. All the haters of God moved against the eternal anointed King and Priest, Jesus Christ, and they put Him to death (according to God’s eternal plan). That same battle exists today. Though it may not come down to killing, you will be pressed from outside, from within yourself, even from within the church, to disobey Christ, to sin, which is an attack against the Lord. Embrace God’s grace and trust in Him.

Meditate on verse 22. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Our Lord and benevolent Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I prayerfully remember all Your servants who have been martyred by those in power throughout history; for I pray to You to forgive me for the many people who have suffered out of my actions. Amen.

