Text: Deuteronomy 22:1-30
We live in an era of sexual “freedom” where the world says people are free to engage in any sexual fantasy their minds conjure up. For many people our passage today will seem very harsh and unrealistic (vv.22-24). That’s because sex is not rightly understood. When God created man, he took one of Adam’s ribs and made a woman. He brought her to Adam, and the two became one flesh by marriage. Though they look like two, they are actually one. Marriage reflects something of the image of God – three separate Persons yet one God, one Being, one Substance. Any sexual activity outside of marriage is an attack against the image of God. That is serious.
Perhaps you never committed adultery. Give thanks to God that He has kept you from it. But do not think you are safe from condemnation. Jesus said adultery is a matter of the heart (lust, pornography, voyeurism, etc.), and so breaks the Seventh Commandment (Matt.5:28). Thus, we all are adulterers. But do not fear, Jesus was pure, and He paid the death penalty for your adultery. Trust Him for your Salvation, and you will not face eternal damnation.
Meditate on verse 22 – 24. What is God teaching you in these verses?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that You kill the spirit of lust and adultery in families. Amen.