Text: Psalm 116: 1-19
In this Psalm the Psalmist is thanking God for delivering him from trouble. We see the reason why the Psalmist was thanking God (vv. 1-7), he was very sick and was healed (v. 3). We also ought to live a life of gratitude to God (vv. 8-16).
In his gratitude he wonders how he can repay God for His goodness (v. 12). The Psalmist lastly, in gratitude, witnesses the goodness of the Lord in presence of other people (vv. 18-19). Let us witness for Christ all the time in all places.

Meditate on verses 18-19. How are you going to apply them to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me fulfill my vows and share testimonies
of Your deliverance with others. Amen.

