Text: Daniel 7:1-14
In a vision Daniel, saw the son of man coming on clouds. This means this son of man is divine, for clouds represent God’s Majesty and His awesome presence (Exod.16:10). This son of man must be more than mere man or angel, for no creature has the authority to rule the entire world forever (vv.13-14).

Daniel’s vision was confirmed in many places in the New Testament. Stephen confirmed that the son of man was Jesus Christ when he appeared before the elders and scribes (Acts7: 56). Stephen confirmed that Jesus Christ called Himself son of man (Mark 14:61-62). The expression, “son of man” appears twelve times in the gospel of John alone and sixty nine times in the synoptic gospels, referring to Jesus Christ. Keep honoring God by witnessing for Christ; in both words and actions!

Meditate on Acts 7:51. How are you going to respond to it?
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, remove every stubborn strain from us. Amen.

