Text: Psalm 88:1-18
This is a unique lamenting Psalm as it ends on unhappy note. The Psalmist complains that God was not hearing his prayers for healing. He does not know the cause of God’s anger towards him and he does not know the ways of God.
Unfortunately he does not turn to God as most Psalmists would do. At some point he accuses God of terrorising him and was distraught (v. 15). He goes on further to accuse God of removing his acquaintances and keeping them far from him (vv. 8, 18). You may not know God’s ways but in all situations, trust and obey Him. You will be effective only through Jesus Christ.
Meditate on verse 13. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that I will seek Your face all the time. Amen.