Text: 1 Samuel 15:1-35
Yahweh commands King Saul to destroy the Amalekites – people (men, women, children) and animals (cf. Ex.17:8-16). But Saul kept the King of Amalek and the best animals alive. Saul pleaded that they were for a sacrifice; but Samuel said to him that to obey God is better than sacrifice (v.22). In other words, it is better to do what God commands than to do something that seems (to us) spiritual or righteous.
When God the Father required Jesus to submit to the cross, Jesus did it eagerly.
I suppose He could have done some other religious things that seemed good; but His Father’s will was the cross; so Jesus put Himself into the Father’s hands.
No amount of religious duty (fasting, prayer, alms, ministry, etc.) can take the place of obedience. Trust Jesus to be your Saviour, and stay close to Him, living as He leads.
Meditate on verse 14. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Almighty and ever forgiving Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for forgiveness of all my sins when I have failed to follow Your instructions. I pray that You silence and do not let the noise of the evil I did in the past to follow me. Amen.