Text: Mark 11:1-14
The long journey has now brought Jesus Christ, and the huge crowd he was leading, to the outskirts of Jerusalem. The great annual feast of the Passover
that drew many people from all the “corners of the (then known) earth”, to Jerusalem was about to begin. It would take a whole week commemorating the
Jewish Exodus from Egypt, (Exod. 12:37-51). Jesus sends for a colt to ride on.
A colt on which “no one has sat”, meant such an animal was suitable for holy works (v.2). For people, to “spread their clothes” was an ancient practice of Jews welcoming a new king (Matt. 21:8). Palm tree branches symbolised joy and salvation. “Hosanna” means “save now”.
After Jesus Christ had inspected the temple (v. 11), He went to Bethany, a nearby place, for the night. This was a relatively secure place; Jesus was avoiding an abrupt and premature arrest by the leaders of the Jews (v. 12).
The next day, very early in the morning, before 6.00 a.m, He came to a leafy fig tree for fruits because He was hungry; but found no fruit. He cursed it
(v. 13). The external appearance was promising; yet with no fruit. The tree symbolised the nation of Israel, with all religious appearance and practices; yet spiritually barren. Churches every where, “deliverance” services in every church, overnights every week; but nothing to show for it in everyday life.
Idolatry and witchcraft and all forms of evil are on the increase. We must repent!
Meditate on verse 13. What are you learning from this verse?
Our heavenly and all Loving Father, Your Word says that while man looks at the outward and appearance, You look at the heart; therefore, I pray that You search me Lord and make my appearance a show case of the
inner spiritual state of heart; a heart that trusts in You. In Your name, I have prayed. Amen.