Text: Psalm 122:1-9
Now that we have climbed the hill of Jerusalem, let us enter into its Peace!
Our faith in Christ gives us the full privileges of being citizens of heaven, which is called in Hebrews 12:22-24, the “New Jerusalem”. For now, the present reality of that future heavenly city is the Church. This means that when we worship we are experiencing a taste of heaven! When we gather together for worship or fellowship, our lives together should be a culture of life lived by the power of the Gospel. The church should be a place of rescue, refuge, and transformation; most of all, the PEACE of Christ must reign in our hearts. When that happens, our Gospel culture will bring peace to others. But this does not happen without spiritual warfare in prayer! We must always be praying that our fellowships are truly places of spiritual refuge and peace, and then choose action that is consistent with that prayer. True and lasting peace must be fought for in fervent prayer.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
Meditate on verse 8. How are you going to apply it to your life?
Heavenly Father and God of Peace, in the name of Jesus Christ, I pray
for peace in the body of Christ, the Church. Amen.