Text: 2 Kings 14:1-29
King Amaziah was a good king, according to Yahweh’s testimony (v.3). When the King’s authority was fully established, he led Judah in battle against Edom (the descendants of Esau). Judah was victorious, even in capturing the strong city of Sela. These victories made King Amaziah feel proud, and so he challenged the northern Kingdom of Israel to battle. Israel’s king warned Amaziah not to act so foolishly; but Amaziah’s pride would not let him listen, and Judah was defeated.
God had promised that His Kingdom would be built through the nation of
Judah. But as we read again, the Kingdom cannot be built on human effort.
Human pride always brings destruction (Prov.16:18). The Lord Jesus Christ was concerned only to do His Father’s will, and pride was never a part of His work.
Jesus is only interested in pleasing His Father. If your Church and ministry are being blessed by the Lord, do not let pride enter into your thinking, because true success is the work of the Holy Spirit working in you.
Meditate on verses 3-4. What is God teaching you in these verses? How are you going to respond to them?
Our Father in heaven, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, purify all the motives of my heart and let me serve You diligently. Amen.