Text: Psalm 76:1-12
In this Psalm we learn that God can use His great power and liberate His people.
It is said that this Psalm was written as a testimony on how God destroyed Sennacherib’s army who had besieged Jerusalem in 710 B.C. Our God is able to break the arrows, bows, shield and sword of our enemies. It is interesting to note that while these war items are broken on the battle field they can also be broken in the sanctuary through the prayers of Saints to God. You as a child of
God your prayers are not in vain, they break the weapons of your enemy, the devil and his agents.

Meditate on verse 3. What encouragement do you get from this verse?

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, hear my prayer and answer me by breaking all means by which the devil attacks me, destroy all the weapons of my enemies. Amen.

