Text: Matthew 9:1-8
Jesus Christ came to His own town, Capernaum, for strategic reasons. This town was rich as a result of fishing and trade; and strategically positioned on the Sea of Galilee. It was densely populated with a Roman barracks in place to keep peace. It was, indeed, metropolitan and highly influenced by Greek and Roman lifestyles, architecture and policies. So, Capernaum was a good place to begin His public ministry (v.1). The ministry was based in Peter’s house. One can say that Capernaum was Jesus Christ’s ministry headquarters.

Among those who came to see Jesus Christ were four people carrying a paralyzed friend. Because of their faith Jesus Christ healed the sick person (v.2). Jesus chose to deal with sin first for this particular case as He discerned that sin and sickness were connected. Many people today are looking for miracles instead of repenting of their sins and turning back to Jesus Christ for forgiveness and to receive eternal life.
Meditate on verse 8. How are you going to apply it to your life?

Ever Saving and Healing Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I acknowledge that You are a God of Miracles, including forgiving of our sins. I pray that You forgive me for taking You for granted. Send Your Spirit to help me see and appreciate the miracles You perform in my life everyday. Amen.

