Text: 2 Samuel 12:1-15
King David had committed adultery with Uriah’s wife (v.4) and went
ahead to plan and have her husband killed (11.17). Prophet Nathan
confronted the King and rebuked him in a subtle manner (12:7). To his credit, King David repented of his sin (12:13). A leader should rebuke evil acts in our society. Who rebukes our evil leaders? You are in position to rebuke a leader if you yourself are above reproach, and you are not looking for some gain, especially financial and other materials from the very evil leaders you intend to rebuke.

Jesus rebuked the teachers of the law and Pharisees. He called them
whitewashed tombs (Mat. 23:27), they look beautiful outside, but inside full of bones of the dead! Tombs would be painted white so that they are visible from the distance. This was because if one touched or stepped on any without one’s knowledge one would be defiled too. Some leaders should be rebuked and avoided because they can influence you instead!

May the Lord give you boldness to rebuke your evil leaders! Pray to God to give you guidance and boldness as you live a spirit-filled life.
Meditate on Matt. 23:27. What is God teaching you in this verse?

Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, fortify me such that I do not become a white washed tomb; but to be alive to serve You and Your people. Amen.

