Text: Acts 3:1-26.

It’s important to notice that this miraculous healing took place at the temple (vv.1-8, 16). Even though God was doing something new, it started first with His people – Israel, right at their place of worship. For 1,000 years the temple was the place that symbolised God’s forgiving grace. The animals that were sacrificed there symbolically paying the penalty for the sin of the worshipper, thus bringing healing to the soul and reconciliation to God.

The miraculous healing of the lame man, by the name and the power of Jesus Christ, was a sign that true healing of the soul had finally arrived (cf. Matt.9:2-7). The miracle is also a pointer beyond our present existence. Everyone gets sick and dies, but those who belong to Christ and His sacrifice will live with Him eternally, perfectly whole in soul and body.

Meditate on verse 16. What is God teaching you in this verse?

My heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Your Son Jesus Christ, for at His name demons tremble and flee. Amen.

