Text: Deuteronomy 31:1-30

Moses has been leading the people of Israel for about forty (40) years, and now he is about to die (vv.1-3). But God has chosen the person who will be the leader when Moses is gone, Joshua, son of Nun. He has been Moses’ general
since the time of the exodus (Ex.17:10). Humans have been created by God to need leadership. Though God is ultimately our leader, He has designed us to have other humans to lead.

There are three quick lessons to pick from this. 1- Jesus is our Joshua. In fact, in the Hebrew language, Jesus would have been called Joshua. Jesus is the One who leads us into the Promised Land, eternal life on the new earth. 2- if you are a leader in the church, train someone who can continue when you retire. 3- if you sense that God is calling you to leadership, look for a leader who is willing to mentor you. Whether you are a mentor or a disciple, choose carefully, as Jesus chose His twelve (12) disciples carefully, after a night in prayer (Luk.6:12-13).

Meditate on verse 3. What is God teaching you in this verse?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, lead me always. Let my steps be guided by the Holy Spirit. Amen.

