Text: Matthew 18:1-22
In all societies, there almost always arises the question of who is the boss and who calls the shots? The tendency to climb and be seen is so great in human beings and other animals, to the extent that some die or kill to become, or be perceived as, great. Jesus, in response to this quandary, brings out three aspects of being great; (i) You must (not may) live like a
little child- dependence is on others (1-7), (ii) Resist and refuse to bond with sinners (8-17), (iii) Pray and forgive all the time (18-22). These three, not worldly pursuits, mark and makes great men and women.
Meditate on verse 4. How are going to apply it to your life?
Our Lord and heavenly Father, I pray that in my walk with You, You make me like a little child. Thus, I pray that You help me resist and refrain from consorting with sinful people. Transform me, Lord, into a prayerful and forgiving person, always mindful of the need for salvation of Your “lost sheep” in Jesus’ Name. Amen.