Text: Deuteronomy 24:1-22

If you will take a quick look at the entire chapter 24, you will notice that there is quite a variety of laws (vv.5-9). In fact, these laws are not even about religious things, like worship, priests, etc. The laws found in this chapter are about many
different parts of life generally, not just about “religion”. That’s because God is the Lord and Master over all of life. God is the Creator of everything, Sustainer of everything, and so He is the Lord over everything, not just of religious things.
Israel is a small picture of the eternal Kingdom of God, where God is Lord over all.

So it is for us today, even though we are not part of a different era. In Acts 17:28 Apostle Paul says, in God we live and move and have our existence. The apostle also teaches, whether we eat or drink or whatever we do, we are to do
all things for the glory of God (1Cor.10:31). Jesus is the Creator of everything (Col.1:16), the Sustainer of everything (Col.1:17), so Jesus is the Lord over everything. Whatever you do, you are to do it with the awareness that you are
under the Lordship of Christ.

Meditate on verses 5 – 9. What is God teaching you in these verses?
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ thank You for being God the creator of everything. You alone are Lord of all. Amen.

