Text: Matthew 6:25-34.
“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you,” verse 33. (ESV). You risk all for God, and He will meet all your needs. Do not worry for things that are not yours.
You are first a steward and therefore be a good one. Do not be stubborn to your master, remember He is the owner and you are just a steward.

Instead seek His kingdom and His righteousness and He will add more material things to you as well. If you put God first, then you will give to His missions. Give God first priority in your life.

Reflect on verse 31, what is God teaching you in this verse? How are you going to apply verse 33 to your life and family.

Father, I pray for the zeal to seek you first always. Forgive me when I have been lost in the material things of this world and by worrying have not trusted You enough. Forgive me. Amen.

